What you will learn

Advance your knowledge
The English language is the most useful language in the world.1.5 billion speak English, that’s 20% of the Earth’s population. In these lessons, you will be able to speak English and get prepare for meeting new people all over the world

Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job

English is the rest of the world’s “second language”, one of the most important required skills in jobs is to know to speak English

Learn a new language can Grow your brain
Studies show that learn a new language can improve your memories, creativeness and become a better problem solver

English Course

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  • Full 40 videos lessons to watch
  • Professional Spanish teacher
  • 90 DAYS

Dutch Course

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  • 90 DAYS

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Spanish Course

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  • 90 DAYS

Chinese Course

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  • Professional teacher
  • 90 DAYS
Lesson numberDescription
Lesson 1Different ways of saying hello and goodbye
Lesson 2Personal Pronouns in English
Lesson 3Yes/No questions with the verb to be
Lesson 4Yes/No questions with the verb to be
Lesson 5The difference between personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and possessive
Lesson 6Expression of time and prepositions IN – ON - AT
Lesson 7How to pronounce the parts of the body ,Form sentences with the verb to have+ part of the body+adjective
Lesson 8The parts of the house, The furniture inside the house
Lesson 9The parts of the body of animals ,Types of animals: pets, wild, and farm animals
Lesson 10Places in town ,Can for possibility ,How to buy things on shops
Lesson 11Food: fruits, meat, diary products and vegetables
Lesson 12a/an some any,How to ask for information to book a tour
Lesson 13Jobs and professions,- How to express what you do, where you do it, when you do it
Lesson 14The verb to be in the past , How to form sentences with the verb to be in the past
Lesson 15The past simple, Affirmative, negative and questions in the past
Lesson 16Common adjectives and their opposites
Lesson 17Vocabulary about streets and roads , Giving directions
Lesson 18The present continuous in the affirmative, negative and questions
Lesson 19The difference between Present simple and Present continuous
Lesson 20-How to order in a café, Asking about hotel services ,Asking and giving opinions
Lesson 21Different types of film genres, Recommending a film and inviting to see one ,The use of the article in English a/the/ zero
Lesson 22Modal verbs: should vs must ,Uses and rules of must ,Uses and rules of Have to
Lesson 23The weather – vocabulary, Expressions about the weather
Lesson 24The future simple,Will and going to in the affirmative, negative and questions
Lesson 25Vocabulary realted to health and pains,Giving advice – expressions to give advise: you should/ how about
Lesson 26Vocabulary about clothes in English, How to compare clothes,• How to buy clothes
Lesson 27Useful vocabulary,Useful expressions
Lesson 28Functional language about the underground,Functional language about taking a taxi, Functional language about the train station
Lesson 29The past simple vs the past continuous ,Rules to identify each tense
Lesson 30Formation of the present perfect in English,The present perfect in the affirmative, negative and questions
Lesson 31Direct objects in English , Indirect objects
Lesson 32Verbs followed by + ing.Verbs followed by + to infinitive
Lesson 33Conditional sentences, the zero conditional: formation, uses and examples,The first conditional: formation, uses and examples.
Lesson 34The second conditional, The third conditional, structure uses
Lesson 35Relative clauses in English,Defining vs non-defining relative clauses
Lesson 36The active voice vs the passive voice,Different tenses in the passive voice
Lesson 37Be used to ,Get used to, Get used to and Would
Lesson 38Vocabulary about money, Listening exercises about money and jobs
Lesson 39Functional language –shopping
Lesson 40Reported Speech ,When we use reported speech, How to use it= structures in the different tenses